Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."The first verse of What do I know of Holy, makes the confession, “I think I made You too small”. As you listen to the verses and the chorus, you see a person growing in the faith and knowledge of our Lord. My favorite part of the song is when the authors reveal, “The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees”.
And the LORD said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." Then the LORD said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen." (NKJV)
You can see why I say, “I love this song”. Our God is so great and so powerful and yet we have the tendency to limit the One who all creation knows by name. God has the power to do for us what we cannot imagine is possible for ourselves. God is infinitely powerful and loves each of us with an infinite and deliberate love! AMEN!