Father-God, I praise Your Majesty. I thank You for loving me…for seeking a love relationship with me. Father, I submit to You; I open my heart, my mind, my soul to be completely filled with Your sweet, sweet Spirit; remove the clutter from my life that I may be used for Your purpose. Father I praise You now on earth and I will forever praise You in Glory. Amen.
This morning my daily Bible readings included the well-known verses of Moses and the burning-bush. I realize these verses tell of God’s calling Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and thus the great story begins which runs throughout the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, but I have to tell you that my absolute favorite part of the beginning of this great epic is where God declares to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14).
The greatness of this seemingly simple statement of who God is absolutely brings you to your knees in praise and adoration of our great God! “I am” is the present tense form of the verb “to be”, but the significance of the words here, as used in this statement to Moses, defies definition.
Our God is, was, and is to be. He exists, He continues, He is always present, always has been and always will be. God cannot be defined by time for He is the Creator of all things including time. Our God cannot be bound by a timeline…God is always “now”.
Amen!! My God Reigns!!!
God Bless!