If you are familiar with the last few chapters of the book of Job, beginning with chapter 38, you know the majority of the text is spoken by God. It is wonderful dialog and describes the greatness of God as Creator. I love it!
In the last chapter of the book of Job, chapter 42, verse 12 begins, “The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part.”
I feel great kinship with this verse because I believe this to be true in my own life. I don’t have the outer wealth Job possessed but I feel rich in the word of God and in His Spirit. The reason being I spend more time in the word of God than ever before and God has blessed me through it.
I began to read and study my Bible more about three years ago. This year I added memorization of Scripture to my daily study. I pray each morning before I begin my study that God will open His Scriptures to me and that He will give me memory and recall in regard to the Scriptures that I may better serve Him in whatever He asks me to do.
Author John Piper has written an article called, “Why Memorize Scripture?”, (http://www.desiringgod.org). Piper says Scripture memorization is vital and helps us keep our focus on Christ; it helps us triumph over sin and Satan; it helps us comfort and counsel others; it allows us to communicate the gospel to others, especially unbelievers; and it helps us commune with God.
Matthew 7:7-8 tells us that everyone who seeks finds so keeping seeking the Scriptures and you will keep finding the rewards thereof!
God Bless!