I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.The fast-paced hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has ceased and the New Year’s celebrations have come and gone. Among the list of things this means for me personally is that I have finished reading through the Bible from cover to cover and I’m ready to begin the task anew.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:11, 105, NIV
While some may think this a boring and rigorous task, I look upon it with great enthusiasm and pleasure. In fact, I have come to look upon this daily ritual of Bible-reading as absolutely addictive. The more I read the word of God, the more I want to read it; the more I learn about the ways of God, the more I want to learn. As I read through my Bible, I am continually inspired, awestruck, amazed and in love with our great and awesome God.
How can you not want to read the Bible? It is God’s holy word in book form! It is a collection of books which spans at least 1500 years, written by some 40 authors all inspired by the one true God (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible continues to be the best-selling book of all time. How can you not be excited by a book like that?
The Bible is our instruction book for life; it tells us how to live and it keeps us on the right path. Knowing what the Bible says keeps us from being fooled and drawn in by false teachings and false prophets—God is never going to reveal, speak, or otherwise communicate to anyone anything that is contrary to what is already written in His word!
Micah 6:8 tells us the Lord requires of us that we, act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him. The Lord requires this of us. You learn how to do these things by reading your Bible!
In 2 Timothy 2:15, the Apostle Paul admonishes a young Timothy to, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth”. Read your Bible!
In Ephesians 6:13-17, when the Apostle Paul is encouraging the putting on of the “full armor of God” in order to be protected from evil, he describes, “the sword of the Spirit” as “the word of God”. In point of fact, Christ defended Himself and rebuked the devil, when being tested in the wilderness after His baptism, by using scripture, (Matthew 4:1-11). Read your Bible—it is your instruction book for life—be informed!
There are many reading plans and various translations of the Bible available. Daily Bibles, many which include a daily devotional, are broken down into the daily readings and are readily available at your local book seller. Through use of the internet and email you can have daily readings delivered directly to your inbox.
Your time investment is approximately 15 minutes a day. A small investment indeed considering the enormous benefit derived! You will discover and reap the rich blessings of God as you keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking, (Matthew 7:7-8), through the reading of His holy word!!