Not staying away from our meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 (HCSB)Last night I met with a small group of women from our church. I came away from the meeting with feelings of joy and celebration in my heart. Why? We met together to worship and honor our great God and that is what we did.
Individually, those present have little in common. In fact, most of us seldom see one another away from church.
There were no two women of the same age at our small gathering. There were only seven women present and yet there were at least six different decades of life represented. But still we met together on common ground.
For all of our differences, the one thing we all share is Christ Jesus. We meet once a month for about an hour; but what an hour it is! We come together, we pray, we celebrate God’s word and talk about what we might do to share the love of Christ with others. What a blessing it is!
If you are a child of God, you need to be in church. Do not forsake the comfort, support, encouragement, and the opportunity for growth that can come from joining together with others of like faith who also love, praise, honor and adore the great I AM.