As for God, His way is perfect; tI sometimes think we believe God has a huge appointment book, penciling in those with “real” problems, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. This is a ridiculous notion. Our God, the Creator of ALL, is powerful beyond our imagination and loves us infinitely. He is always there, working on our behalf, drawing us to Him.
the word of the LORD is flawless.
He is a shieldfor all who take refuge in him. Psalm 18:30 (NIV)
Have you ever thought to yourself, I don’t want to “bother” God with that problem. If you’ve ever thought that then you’ve made God too small. Our God is always able; He was; He is; He always will be. Our God is omniscience—He knows everything; He is omnipresence—He is present everywhere; He is omnipotence—He is all powerful; He is El Shaddai—God all sufficient.
If you haven’t yet placed your trust in Him, today is the day.
God Bless!