If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14When the Israelites were about to enter into the “promised land” they were told the land was being given to them, not because they were such a righteous and deserving people, but because the nations which inhabited the land were so wicked (Deuteronomy 9:4-5)…these nations were idol worshipers, they murdered their children, they were sexually immoral…just to name a few of their many sins. Those ancient nations bare a great deal of resemblance to our country today.
It is certainly easy to point fingers and blame others for our country’s indiscretions, but haven’t we, as Christians, been totally complacent as these things have come to pass? Isn’t it true that what one generation tolerates, the next generation embraces?
I am convinced our country will not escape the wrath of God. Sin is an abomination to God; it sickens and disgusts Him. All throughout the Bible we are told, “the wicked will not stand”. Is there any reason this should NOT apply to us?
Our only hope is repentance. Repentance is a two-step process. We must not only stop our evil ways but we must also give them up all together. Humbling ourselves is not enough; prayer is not enough; seeking God’s face is not enough…we must do ALL of this PLUS turn from our wicked ways. THEN God will hear us, forgive us, and heal our land.
As an American you have a voice; as a Christian you should be using your voice for God's purpose. If you won't speak up now; then when will you?