Once we accept Christ as our Savior we are considered as babes in Christ and thereafter the process of growing-up in Christ should begin and continue until we breathe our last. Luke records in chapter 2, verse 52, speaking of Christ as an adolescent, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
How do we grow in Christ? The obvious answer is through prayer, Bible study, and by joining together with others of like faith, (“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another”…Hebrews 10:25a).
Jack Hayford and Sam Middlebrook have written in “Living the Spirit-Filled Life”, “The Word of God has been given to us as the most basic requirement of our spiritual growth.” I certainly believe this to be true because of my own experience. Being in God’s word everyday will make a difference in your life.
I have read my Bible daily on a somewhat regular basis since age 15, when I first became a Christian. Three years ago, I decided I wanted to read the entire Bible through from start to finish. I can’t tell you how much I loved it and how it blessed by life. I enjoyed it so much I made the commitment to do this each year.
I’m now into my third year of reading the Bible from cover to cover and I still finish the day’s reading feeling blessed, enlightened, and spirit-filled. Reading your Bible is such a joy and there are many “daily” Bibles and reading plans available to help you. The average day's reading is about 15 minutes. Are you telling me you can't spare 15 minutes in the course of a day for something that will enrich your life and change it for the better?
The Bible is a GREAT book and certainly contains that WOW-factor that we so love in the books we read! Not to mention it is God's textbook for how we should live; our very own instruction book and guide. But don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself. You’ll be glad you did. I promise. And you’ll also find yourself growing in the wisdom and Spirit of the Lord!
God Bless!