Note: I wrote this
little post back in February of this year but just now adding it to the blog.
The more I read the
Bible the more I want to read it. And the more I read the Bible the more in awe
I become of our Almighty God. Right now I'm reading through Exodus, but having
just finished reading the book of Revelation in December, I am totally amazed
at how verses toward the beginning of this great library of books directs us to
verses in the last book.
Exodus 15, (my favorite verses here are 1-3, 11, 13, 17-18), "Israel's Song", is reminiscence of the worship of the One in the throne room of heaven and indeed, Revelation 15: 3 says, "They sang the song of God's servant Moses and the song of the Lamb..."
Exodus 28 tells that Aaron and his sons are to be set apart to serve the Lord as priests. Their priestly attire would include turbans and on the turbans a gold medallion engraved with the words, “Holy to the Lord”. Fast forward to 1 Peter 2 where we read believers in Christ are a royal priesthood who offer up spiritual sacrifices to God, (v.5). Fast forward again to Revelation 22, verse 4 which says, “They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.” (His name on our foreheads; how cool is that?!)
Today I read in Exodus 33, verse 33, “The LORD replied to Moses: “I will erase whoever has sinned against Me from My book.” Revelation 3:4-5 tells of those who “will walk with Me in white, because they are worthy…and I will never erase his name from the book of life…”
The Bible, God’s Story; Amazing! Be a part of it!