“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42
This could just as well be the story of me and my sister. My sister is also my best friend and I’m always coming up with ideas and executing them or volunteering for jobs and then dragging her into the middle of the action too. I am high-strung and emotional; my sister is laid-back and calm. I rush around caught up in the details while my sister is the one with the ability to put a positive spin on chaos, saying quietly, "Let's, pray about this."
My biggest problem as a Martha is that I have a tendency to try to get ahead of God and His plans for me. Too often, we Martha’s have predetermined ideas about how God is going to work in our lives. While we see only the present, God’s sees things from an eternal perspective and we need to be reminded His ways are always best. Fortunately, we have a Helper in the Holy Spirit, who whispers in our ears, “Wait; slow down; be still.”
Too often I forget the futility of rushing ahead, relying upon myself, instead of relying upon God and His power, His strength, and His wisdom. Happily the Holy Spirit teaches us, guides us, counsels us, and empowers us to carry out the will of the God in His perfect timing. God always blesses us when we are obedient to what He calls us to do. When we wait upon Him, He then allows us the opportunity to watch Him work in mighty ways.
Charles Stanley has written, “The Christian life is this: Christ living His life in and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit of the living God.” AMEN!
God Bless!