He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2, NIV
Recently I was listening to a podcast sermon on prayer by Dr. Adrian Rogers. One point made by Dr. Rogers was that we spend more time praying for sick saints—trying to keep them out of heaven—than we do praying for lost souls to get to heaven. The point was well taken with me.
I examined my own prayers and considered how much more time I spend praying for the sick versus the time I spend praying for the lost…the lost of my community…the lost of the world. I admit I was convicted to make immediate changes in my prayers.
People around us are dying; lost in sin; every day, every moment. Our hearts should be breaking for lost souls—those we can reach out and touch and those whom we have never seen. Pray for the lost. Pray that the hold Satan has upon them will be loosed and defeated; pray that the Lord will draw them to Him; pray the Lord will give the lost ears for the Gospel and believing, repentant, hearts. Pray for workers to go and tell those on foreign soils where you are unable to go yourself and do whatever you can to help support them, financially and prayerfully.
In 1869, Fanny Crosby wrote the hymn, “Rescue the Perishing”. Those great old lyrics are no less true today—our work as Christians is not yet finished. We are to tell a lost and dying world of Jesus; duty demands it. Strength for our labor the Lord will provide. AND…Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. Amen!
God Bless!