If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will…Leviticus 26:3-4a, NIV
In Leviticus 26 the LORD tells the Israelites that if they are careful to obey His commands then:
· they will have rain when it is needed, allowing them to eat all the food they want;
· they will live in their land in safety and peace—no one will make them afraid; they will slay their enemies;
· the savage beasts will be removed from the land;
· they will be fruitful and increase in numbers; and
· their harvests will be plentiful.
However, if they do not carry out the commandments of the LORD then they will have terror, diseases, plant their crops in vain, be defeated by the enemy, wild animals will rob them of their children…and if they continue in their rebelliousness the punishments will become even greater.
God loves His children. He created us to have a close, personal, loving relationship with Him. However, He tells us throughout His word that He is a jealous God. He holds us accountable for our behavior, attitude, and actions. Like any good father, God disciplines and corrects His children in order to bring them back into the fold.
God wants for you everything He created you to be. But in order for us to become what we were created to be, we must be obedient to God our Father. Obedience to God should always be our highest priority.
God does not change. Just as in the days of Moses leading the Israelites in the Wilderness, God still promises to reward our obedience. When we are loyal and obedient to God, He protects us and empowers us against our enemies and the dangers and pitfalls we will encounter.
Surrender your all to Him today and begin your walk of faith and obedience.
God Bless!