The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3, NIVJeremiah was not popular with his countrymen. He was not popular because, as a prophet, the message God had Jeremiah deliver to his countrymen was not a happy one. Israel and Judah had sinned grievously against the Lord and they were going to be punished. They would be taken into captivity in Babylon for seventy years.
However, the news wasn’t all bad. Why? Because in Jeremiah, chapter 31, the Lord tells Jeremiah about what would take place in the future—in fact, verse 17 records: ““So there is hope for your future," declares the LORD. "Your children will return to their own land.””
This serves to remind us, as children of an all-powerful, all-mighty God, there is always love, mercy, forgiveness, and hope waiting for the repentant child. Why? Because we are loved with an everlasting love, an uncommon love, a supernatural love…a Godly love. Praise God!
"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. O great and powerful God, whose name is the LORD Almighty; great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds.” Jeremiah 32:17, 18b, 19aGod Bless!