Chapter 40 of Isaiah is one of those chapters which describe the greatness of our God. If you look at verses 12-18, you find a description of the enormity of our God in relation to Creation. Then through a series of questions in verses 13, 14, and 18, you have a description of the magnificent sovereignty of our God.
However, I want to focus on Isaiah 40:26 which reads,
Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:Our great God, the author of the Universe, knows each star by name! When I read this I was immediately drawn to the internet to do a search on, “How many starts are there?” Of course, the first thing I found was what you might expect—no one knows for sure. However, gave the following estimate:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.
Almost all stars in the universe are collected into galaxies. For instance, our own Milky Way galaxy seems to contain about 200 billion stars. On average, galaxies contain between 100 billion and 1 trillion numbers of stars. Now, how many galaxies are there? Astronomers estimate that there are approximately 100 billion to 1 trillion galaxies in the Universe. So if you multiply those two numbers together, between 10 sextillion and 1 septillion stars in the Universe. ( hope you are as filled with wonder about this as I am. I am completely in awe of the fact that our great God, the Author of the Universe, the One who knows each star by name, loves me—knows me—even me—by name!
Do you know the One who knows you by name? Get to know Him today. He’s waiting for you, right now.
God Bless!