How great is God—beyond our understanding! Job 36:26aWe may be the greatest of God’s creations, but we are merely human. We are nothing on our own lest in our pride and arrogance we should think otherwise. In Job 38, God speaks to Job and through God’s questions to Job shows him that as a mere human being he not only lacks wisdom but is also weak.
God is the author and giver of creation; He is the divine caretaker; all wisdom and power are in His hands. He is the potter; we are but the clay.
Our God is mighty and awesome. Everything we see serves to remind us that God has a right to our love, to our worship and to our constant adoration. He is the God of grace and the Father of every good and perfect gift.
The wisest of all mankind cannot comprehend the mind of God. It is impossible for the created to out-think or out-do the Creator!
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;God Bless!
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
(Doxology, Thomas Ken, 1674, James 1:17)