Saturday, February 28, 2015

Let us Not Grow Weary...

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". Galatians 6:9

Wow! I have seen the Lord moving and working in my life so much recently; convicting me, teaching me, guiding me. Listening very recently to Laura Story's song, "Blessings", I am reminded that the Lord teaches us through is like exercising; breaking down that muscle, then resting it so that it grows stronger. That's exactly how I feel.

Many times the Lord will allow us to come to a place of brokenness in our lives because He wants us to be totally dependent upon Him and Him alone. God made us with the ability to crave, but He never intended for us to crave anything more than we crave Him. We are meant to rely upon Him!

Through this period of testing God has shown me my pride. He has shown me how concerned I've been about how well I was perceived in the ministry; about how "good" I looked to others. Ouch! It was a lesson I needed.

My prayer: "Lord, in the name of Jesus, You've revealed my pride-fullness to me. I confess; heal and forgive Lord. I give my life to You anew for Your will, Your way, Your honor, Your glory."

I have also learned humility through the hurtful actions of others toward some very godly friends of mine. They were attacked by other believers, and yet their reaction was so full of grace and mercy and humbleness. 

I have learned, through watching them, the walk of faith can be difficult. I have learned that not only will non-believers attack you, but believers will attack you as well. (The devil loves to blind the eyes of believers for his purposes. Therefore, speak love; speak forgiveness into the lives of others.)

Remember when the going gets tough, rough, and hurtful, it does not necessarily mean that you aren't exactly where God wants you to be. Endure. Persevere. God will see you through. We will experience difficulties walking, working, where and in what God has called us to do. Jesus experienced persecution; so will we.

The Apostle Paul was literally throw out of town after town. He just moved on, by the grace of God, to the next town and continued to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. If we give up, we risk missing the blessings that are waiting on the other side.

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58